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Traffic Violations
and DUI

If you have been charged with a serious traffic violation or DUI, we can help you.

We understand this is a stressful time. You need information and a team to guide you through the legal process.  DUI’s are considered a serious misdemeanor. There is court time to consider, and, if you are arrested for a DUI, your license may be revoked and you may receive jail time.


Traffic violations of any kind can increase insurances costs, cause loss of income, and harm your current or future employment. It is important to consult an attorney as quickly as possible. Our team will work with you to fight the charges or, in the alternative, negotiate a plea agreement to reduced charges. Often we are able to get your charges dropped. Let us build your case and defend your rights.


Our law office is knowledgeable in California traffic laws and if you retain our services, we will explore your legal options to protect your rights, save your license and keep your driving record clear.

Our Practice Litigates for the Following Types of Cases:
  • Administrative DMV hearings

  • Driver’s license reinstatements

  • Driver’s license suspensions

  • DUI or drunk driving

  • Traffic violations

  • Vehicular homicide

If you need a defense attorney in Yreka, CA, call us today.
The earlier you call us, the faster we’ll be able to mitigate charges.

Driving under the influence charges can carry some of the stiffest penalties and fines in all the criminal justice system. Not only is jail time a real possibility, but you can be forced to pay thousands of dollars in fines and fees while facing the possibility of losing your privilege to drive motor vehicle. We can help you. The attorneys at Bergstrom and Bruce will go over the police reports with you and help you understand the meaning of terms such as objective observations, field sobriety tests (FSTs), breathalyzer, PAS (personal alcohol screening) device, BAL (blood alcohol level) and informed consent. We will interpret the results of any test you may have taken and fight on your behalf to show that, despite the results of the tests, you were not impaired when you drove your vehicle.


One of the worst consequences of getting a DUI is losing your license. The attorney’s at Bergstrom and Bruce are experienced in representing clients in administrative hearings before the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). We will litigate your hearing and fight to keep your license from being suspended.


The courts have moved in an interesting direction lately. First off, do not get high and drive. Do not drink and drive. But know your rights when you are pulled over.

A recent appellate court decision makes it illegal in California for police, once they have stopped your car, to search the entire vehicle simply because they smell marijuana. In years past, a passenger may have imbibed hours ago with the aroma sinking into their clothes then, after being in your car for awhile, transferred their recent smoking event into your automobile. Once stopped, police officers routinely identified the smell and then searched the entire car based on the smell giving them probable cause to believe a crime had been committed by one of the occupants. You can imagine the private items seized and possible loss of liberty.

Now, since the decriminalization of marijuana, odor is insufficient to justify the search. Your privacy remains protected by the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Please call the lawyers at Bergstrom and Bruce should you have any questions. We are here to protect your rights.

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